Sunday, June 12, 2005

Negative!: Have you had your bummer today?

No matter where you turn to any MSM outlet all there seems to be is: death, murder, rape, war, destruction, famine, death and more death. Even Fox News which is supposed to "Fair and Balanced" is rife with negativity front and center. It's like The Four Horseman of the Apocalypse running amok twenty-four seven anywhere you look. Do we need to be constantly inundated with this sensationalized negativity in order to find out what is going on the world. I Don't! I don't like it one bit, in fact it makes me sick!
You would think the MSM (including Fox) would want to put forth a positive image and a more encouraging message to it's audience. Sure bad things happen in the world but do we really need to publicly dissect the corpses live at five! I'm not an expert at social psychology, but I am almost certain that a lot of social ills could be cured just giving people hope and a positive message to go along with bad acts in the world, that means Lollywood too;-)
The current MSM seems pretty good at digging the most negativity it can out of any tragedy and then jerk our emotions with the audio and visual enhanced seemingly endless helpless plight of the suffering victims.
Oh great spirit within me, give me relief!
Accentuate the positive and diminish the negative!
The MSM (including Fox) could, with the same amount of talent they devote to craft negative sensationalism, use that very same talent to accentuate the positive and diminish the negative.
But FIRST, the audience must first reject the negativity and then embrace and encourage the positive.
Peace be unto you and yours!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Stapled Politics

The disenfranchised stand outside
Leftist, the insiders plot their fate.
No purging of demons long on the grid
Platform settled, direction by mandate.
Token lip service to those in need
Vying for the cloak of power
Under the cloak of respectability.
Mainstream media morons, yipping dogs of perfidy,
Polished emblems of corporate power
Responding perfectly to each pulled string.
Trashed reputations, flawed ignorance
The yipping dogs never looking askance.
Skybox pretentious poisoners perched for effect,
Context packaged prescriptions
Provided for mass consumption.
Dim star light barely showing in the haze
The problematic never realized in the coming days.
The outies meet the police dogs of power
Impact statements blasted against those without.
The never ending litany of violence vs. protest
Ever increasing physical and verbal rhetoric
All opposing voices likened unto a heretic.
The hope of the leftists rides a sea of jubilation
Socialist ideals to enslave a nation.
Capital profusion the the horror of purpose
No room for dissent, opposing views a disservice.
Time for a change sigh the main stream masses
Tired of being restrained by rose colored glasses.
© 2001 Tommy Barrios

Lapdog Programme

Over reacting zealots futile results,
Fighting ghosts of the imagination
No concrete enemy only those of paranoia.
Scared rabbits of insecurity ignorant of reality
Puppets of beauracratic stupidity transformed
Automatons programmed in the language of fools.
Thoughts not of ones own but of one’s owner.
Believing all the while to be one with self.
Free thinking scorned as an aberration
Constant subjects of deriding evaluation
No fanciful ties that bind
An occasional kick in the behind.
If it hurts or insults no matter
One must maintain position on the ladder.
Many thousands of holes waiting to be exploited
Ticking time bombs of callous arrogance
Foisted on the ignorant and unsuspecting.
Follow the leader that's the game
No pleasure in acting like one is the same,
Think like all, then you’ll have your fun.
We are told the rules are for everyone,
Soon we find that they do not apply to some.
Belligerent autocracy kicks down the door
Yet no one responsible for the blood on the floor.

© 2000 Tommy Barrios


Oh please gimme that information gratification
That instantly satisfies my sensation craving
Please give me more delusion infusion
I need a fix quick, more blood, more gore.
Turn on my info injector turn up the volume selector
Make my pain go away show me others right away.
The pontificating pundits rail and wail
The news is old as the bodies grow cold
Little wonder they get no sleep wandering the street
Looking for fresh blood to infuse the feed
Their pain is our eternal solace and grace.
I feel the pain lessening change channels quick
Oh there’s some suffering on a crossed stick
Arms splayed blood running thick.
Ah the feeling is getting better and better
They must be suffering more than me.
Time for a material fix gimme something quick.
Ahhh! The smooth feel of plastic and stainless steel.
Oh the hypers just announced a joyous event
Wholesale genocide and slaughter live at five.
I can’t wait I’ll have to rerun those holocaust clips
Wonder if I have enough dip and chips.
Oh wait there’s another news flash
Woman hanging with an open gash
Oh God keep it up I feel so much better now,
Don’t You!
Requiem en Pace est!
©2005 TIC

Friday, March 04, 2005

Violent Peacemakers and Moneymakers

I have spent some time recently analyzing the current left vs right struggle. The Peace vs War struggle. The capitalism vs socialism struggle. The list goes on and on. But the remarkable thing to me is both sides of these struggles all claim to be for peace, freedom, love thy neighbor, etc., etc., yet they are willing to kill for it. Willing to do whatever it takes, "by any means necessary", by force of arms, violent acts, terrorism, what ever, to insure that their version of all of the above is forced on the whole population or the whole world for that matter.
The aims of both sides though are very transparent in that they both aspire to wealth and the power that goes along with that wealth.
I see the left side of this equation to be the most dangerous and egregious to human sensibilities. They are they most dangerous because they appear to be sheep but are really ravenous wolves with genocidal political tendencies that are reminiscent of Stalin and all the other mass murdering totalitarian tyrants throughout history. Evidence of this guilt is their fascination with the only remaining communist murdering torturing tyrant, Fidel Castro.
The folks on the right are scary in another way but they're obvious about where they stand they admit to being self interested money minded snobs. Their weapons are entrenched in economic power, manufacturing power, and total control of all the resources necessary to make this capitalistic system work mostly for them and them only, with crumbs thrown out to those willing to play ball with the systems (their) rules. Their violence and terrorism is subtle and usually inflicted in some third world country. Exploitation of natural resources in impoverished countries for the benefit of a select few and foreign capitalists can only end up one way. That's with the impoverished resenting and eventually hating the exploiters. Everyone in the middle are presently pawns of both sides of this high level power struggle.
The left has another trait that scares the hell out of me. Their sense of wealth redistribution sounds all warm and fuzzy until you find out who is financing this communist venture. Multi-billionaires? Wait a minute people who have and are still making vast fortunes off this hated capitalistic system are funding the destruction of same? What hypocrisy? I don't see any do you? Yea right! If these limousine liberals are so concerned about wealth redistribution then let's see them give up theirs first. If that happens then the need for wealth redistribution will go away. But you see that's their insidious hypocrisy they are not about getting socialism, communism, or any of those other ism's. They are only interested in the wealth and power of those who currently have it, what ever it maybe!
It is just one big power struggle for the wealth and power of this country using whatever words, money, resources, peoples lives, it doesn't matter. The left is being manipulated by one set of greedy financiers and the right by another, we the people be the pawns on the chessboard of peace. love, and freedom!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Illegal Immigration - The Broader Threat

My friend and CPA, encouraged the subject line of this post. He said I should really focus on this illegal immigration problem because, as he sees it, it should be our nations number one priority. He believes and rightly so that illegal immigration is a major snag in our governments efforts to protect and defend our national security and our national economy.

Illegal immigration policy is being bandied about by the opposing political forces as a means to an end, that ultimately, using current proposals from either side of the issue, will not solve the real and the most dangerous problem surrounding this issue. Both sides of the issue are on a disinformation campaign because they are getting political capital from this long abused process of immigrant farm worker exploitation. What is this process? It goes like this quick business economics primer: In order to get the maximum return on your investment in any business you minimize costs of production and therefore be able to maximize your profit structure, right? In the case of agribusiness the same holds true whether you're a small family farmer, a corporation, or a cooperative. Knowing this you immediately set about trying to trim production costs. In the case of food production where many delicate perishable food items cannot be machine harvested, particularly delicate vegetables and fruits, you have to rely on the hands of human labor. Here's where the problem starts.

Human labor is very expensive in any modern economy. The more things cost the more you have to pay employees in order for them to thrive in the same economy. It's a vicious circle that many folks don't seem to grasp or don't want to comprehend for whatever reasons. Suffice it to say though that in the case of perishable food production these labor costs where borne by the poor, share croppers (a form of subsidized slavery), and anyone just looking to make a few bucks in the past. These people along with migrant workers from Mexico did this kind of work in our country for most of the previous century. When large farms and big agribusiness took over the lions share of the perishable food production business there where not enough of these homegrown workers, for whatever reasons, to fill the bill. In California the answer was, is, and always has been south of the border. Migrant workers from Mexico had been toiling in the fields of plenty for generations. Why not just exploit that source rather than have to deal with domestic workers and all the attendant red tape and expense, sounds economically correct right?

There was one road block though, the red tape involved with documenting these migrant workers in the numbers necessary and in a timely manner was, and some say still, too oppressive. (Many say a federal and state bureaucratic nightmare so laced with prejudice and outright racist intent as to be totally impractical.) The answer: Screw the law we (the migrant workers) will just sneak across the border and get those field-hand jobs that pay more that most folks make in Mexico. This sounds all good and glorious to the socialists in this country who believe in power to the worker and all other such socialist communist tripe on the one hand and to those who benefit from a cheap labor force on the other. Another words the illegals are being exploited by both sides. A very real problem is that illegal workers were and are willing to take far less money for the same amount of work thereby undercutting the legal migrant workers who are paying taxes and are trying to do the right thing. Once that process became the name of the game then there was no more incentive for anyone to even try to come here legally.

With the advent of strict regulations that govern the treatment and pay of field workers by the State of California and the Federal Government everyone who uses this kind of labor now defers the hiring of these workers to "contractors" who in many cases are more of a problem regarding worker pay and rights than the big business interests where accused of doing in the past. But since these "contractors" are mostly of Mexican descent and are not white farm owners and businessmen and there are enough port-a-potties in the field then nobody seems to give a damn how much the illegal workers are being exploited. Also it's a known fact that these illegal workers are being paid under the table tax free so there is another problem. To make matters worse the socialists (pronounced Demoncratic Party) in the State of California give away the store, when it comes to social benefits, to people who are not citizens of our country. These same illegals are funneling most of their illegally made money and services back into Mexico bypassing our economy entirely. So what we have is a huge sucking sound, as Ross Perot described, as millions of hard earned badly needed taxpayer dollars are flowing illegally out of our country into the hands Mexican residents.

Now lets look at the politics of this situation and see who the players are and their agendas. The players are many but can really be condensed into a few groups by following the money. Using this barometer we can narrow it to three groups. The immigrant/victims rights group consisting of the all the socialists, leftists, and Demoncrats. Then there are the conservatives, national defenders, taxpayer rights groups, constitutionalists, libertarians, and conservatives i.e. the Republican party. The third group is big business interests which by the way are apolitical and are only concerned with how the politics of this issue effects their bottom line. When you look at things this way you begin to understand how this became the mess it is today.

It also becomes clearer how to the deal with illegal immigration and what measures need to taken. I will not go into all those measures here because I think they should be obvious to anyone with a smidgen of intelligence. Suffice it to say though that we must deal with the issues and concerns of each group in a fair way that benefits the constituents of each group. But the one, the most important issue that cannot be quibbled with or obstructed or obfusticated, is that illegal immigration must stop totally and completely! We will never be able to insure that we have done the utmost possible to not endure the terror that faces Israel on a daily basis if do not take effective measures to stop illegal immigration. Countries everywhere else in the world who have foolishly opened their borders to just anyone now face the same terror as the citizens of Israel as witnessed in Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and others. Further more we should never, never have to endure another day like 9/11. Failure to stop such an atrocity by people elected to power positions in the Federal and State governments is in direct violation of their oath to protect and defend the people of our country. These same elected officials should be held accountable in proportion to this responsibility. There will be never another 9/11 if politicians and officials responsible for our local, state, and national security are given the all the resources and support necessary to carry out this vital mission. If after all that and they still fail then those responsible should be drummed out of office and jailed post haste for failure to "protect and defend".

When it comes to preventing any such tragedy as currently occurs in Iraq daily or regularly in Israel then no issue is more important than that of our personal, local, state, and national security at this time in our history. Illegal immigration is the number one threat to our local, state, and national security as well as our economy at this time. We must take the necessary measures to stop ALL border incursions. We must vigorously prosecute those who would encourage, support, or profit from illegal immigration no matter who they are, individuals, corporations, whomever! We must send a strong message to the Mexican government that we will take what ever action necessary to defend our borders and that they must stop encouraging the illegal incursions or drastic economic measures will taken against them. We have a right to this security and no one has the right to supplant our right to security and peace of mind! We need to be able to send our children to school without fear of their bus or school being blown up by some asshole who snuck across our border in the van of a smuggler. We need real 360 degree border defense that deals with everyday human needs and also does everything humanly possible to see that those who would blow us up never succeed in their mission.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Great Tragedy Spawns Great Deeds or The Tale of The Ugly American

The aftermath of the tsunami tragedy has rekindled the message that America is NOT a country entirely inhabited by greedy lusting materialistic infidels. The America haters are having to keep quiet or eat crow. What's more revealing about our American soul is the amount of money goods and services from the private sector far outweigh that of any other country or countries combined and eventually will overshadow that of the US government.
So where is the UGLY AMERICAN now?
Well he or she is digging into their pockets to put change in a Girl Scouts bucket in front of a store or writing a check to a charity engaged in the relief work or buying something they need from a business that has pledged part of it's profits to support the victims.
If this is being an Ugly American gimme more of it please!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Tsunami Aid?

With all the media attention to this disaster and I do mean attention. I wonder if anyone is paying attention to the amount of money the media is making off this horrible tragedy. I mean all the media, WORLD WIDE! But in particular here in the US and Europe. If the media is so concerned about how much everyone is giving then they need to look in the mirror and see how much money they are making off this tragedy.
I call upon all the media world wide to donate every penny they are making off this tragedy and other tragedies to charity. I also call upon them to donate this money only to effective charities that are really doing the most efficient job of being a charity in this world effort to confront and heal this terrible wound.
Folks ring their bell and let the media know you want them to pony up their share also or you will take your viewership or readership elsewhere!

Tax Reform?

Tax reform made a small blip on the news radar recently with announcement of the Presidents new "tax reform panel". The media seems very luke warm to this ever having any impact or ever doing anything serious towards really reforming the tax code, i.e. sacking the IRS as it as exists today and replacing it with a national sales tax or flat tax.
My personal view is that the government and the media seem to delight in cavorting this "carrot" in front of our collective noses in order to keep us believing year after year that somehow magically this economic slavery called income taxes, social security taxes and other such legal tax extortion will be lifted from us. Not likely, the way things are going!
The only way for this to really happen is for a new idealism is this country based on the need to be constantly vigilant and politically engaged in the very soul of our political world. To be self sufficient and not reliant on the government for a handout. A handout by the way that comes out the pocket of every hard working American and small busimess in this country. Many people falsely believe that the rich are paying these handouts, but that cannot be further from the truth. If the individual rich are paying out large sums of money to the government they have lousy CPA's or they just like giving the government their money for whatever reasons. Don't think this is true? Then why do you think the politicians never raise the zero tax levels above the income level of the working folks and the small business owner. It's obvious, because the aforementioned are paying the lions share of the taxes in this country. The political power base know's this and for them to act or say otherwise is dishonest and outright lying. There is no such thing as "taxing the rich". That is a lie perpetuated by both sides of the political isle for their own purposes. The leftist progressives perpetuate this lie as showing that are trying redistribute the wealth of the rich, while the right says the rich are being victimized. Neither of which is true, as I stated before.
Governments are supposed to be for and by the people, but what we have now at all levels are special interest agenda driven governments. Especially at the federal and state level. Many of these agendas tend to focus on making sure that these special interest groups or their constituencies receive the lions share of the tax payers money.
To make matters worse these governments setup a legal extortion system where by if you refuse to pay these taxes they can legally steal everything you have. Folks this is what the mafia does, only for them to do so is illegal. Either way you look at it, it's extortion and it's wrong. Any tax that threatens a persons income or property is immoral and flatly wrong! Taxes on goods and certain services, money changing hands in commerce, I can agree with because then these governments revenue would be tied directly to the economy and then these governments would be forced take measures that insure the survival of and the growth of our economy. Also irreversible laws must be enacted that prohibits these governments to legally steal from their citizens by enacting any form of income or property taxes.
I am sure this will upset all the agenda driven constituencies, but that is too bad. This country was NOT founded on the principle of welfare either corporate or social, especially bourn on the backs of working men and women and people trying to build and maintain a business. This is a travesty and must stop.
It would be great if I could see the same concern for our economic future and safety and security of our income and property as is being shown for other high profile interests in the world today. If we could collectively engage ourselves at all levels of government, if we had the time, we could be a mighty force for change that would sweep the world. Remember you have no real freedom if your money and your property can be taken from you. Just because it's legal does not make it moral or right.
In particular the Sixteenth amendment must be REPEALED. Careful study of the history of this amendment is awash in scandal, hi-jinks, and fraud. Based on what we know today of how voting was so predominately rigged in this country at the time, the way this amendment was put into law would be under a thunderous legal attack today. Unfortunately though due to a spineless Supreme Court, we are saddled with this atrocity until it is repealed.
Time to get involved folks and send a message to your your elected officials that you want real tax reform not just a carrot and a stick!

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Happy New Year?

That seems to be the saying that everyone is focused on now that we have gotten over Christmas. I say gotten over because 2004 Christmas was the most assaulted in history by humanists (socialist communists) demanding that religion has no place in the public square. They are wrong of course and it's about time the homogenized humanist media learned that American people like the religious foundations of Christmas and stop trying to tell us what we should be thinking or doing about this season. Their message is to buy, buy, buy and spend, spend, spend (on their advertisers of course). All the religion stuff about caring and sharing is not good for the mega-corporate bottom line or so they believe. (They need to readjust their thinking on this because religion is good for the corporate bottom line..)
Nor is it good for the socialist secular line that wants all caring and sharing to be done by the government using money legally stolen from the citizens (income tax), controlled by the socialists to dispense as they see fit to a dependent welfare class that they keep beholden to them through supposed "GOOD" government programs, that supposedly take care of all our little needs in education, health care, housing, retirement, and whole host of other do-gooder crap. Anybody care to grade these programs to same success or fail criteria the government imposes on the rest of the world. Education = failure, Heath Care = disaster, Housing = Worlds biggest ripoff. Retirement = Biggest shafting of the American workers since the income tax was installed. Bottom line, the government, under our constitution, has no legal right or duty to be in this welfare business. We the people have no business being in the welfare business, period. All government programs not related to the running of the government or national defense have no legal right under the constitution to exist. If we the people as individuals want to form charity organizations that deal with these social problems then we should do so, but it's not the right of the government or anyone else to force this on us.
HAPPY NEW YEAR? I don't think so!!!